features of the month
fun & games
birthday party plans & games
happy camper dance camp resources
preschool dance plans & games
elementary dance plans & games
older dance plans & games
tap dance games & teacher tools
Resources By Theme
tap dance central
free resources
about me
the happy camper list
Resources By Theme
Food Fun!
Food Fun!
Timestep "Sandwiches" -- Tap Teaching Tool for Timesteps
Lucky Dancers Choreography "Chance Dance" Game for ALL styles, for elementary & middle school age
Clickity Clackity Candy Corn Tap Game -- tap choreography game for ages 8 & up
Dance Around The Candy Shop Game -- for ages 5-10
Fridge Magnet Fun! - a choreography game for ages 10 & up
Cookie Choreography -- dance game for older elementary & middle school age
Dance-Me-A-Story - The Gingerbread Cookie Who Loved To Tap Dance!
Thanksgiving Dinner Dance - themed exercises & combos for preschool & kindergarten dancers
Ice Cream Shop Warm-Up & Choreography Game -- versions of play for all ages
Tap Dance Chocolates - a tap sound activity for elementary age dancers
Conversation Heart Choreography - a jazz/modern choreography & improv game for middle school & high school dancers
Hot Chocolate & Peppermint Ice Cream Improv & Choreography Game - for ages 10 & up
Dance Candy Jar - Jazz Dance Game & Class Activity for ages 6-9, in-person & virtual
Sugar Rush Dance Game - Locomotor Activity for preschool & primary elementary age dancers
Fruit Rhythms - Tap Rhythm Practice Cards
Tappy Apples - tap class learning activity for preschool and elementary age
Gingerbread Rhythms - tap class activity with options for all levels
This OR That Gingerbread Dance Warm-Up for ages 5 & up
features of the month
fun & games
birthday party plans & games
happy camper dance camp resources
preschool dance plans & games
elementary dance plans & games
older dance plans & games
tap dance games & teacher tools
Resources By Theme
tap dance central
free resources
about me
the happy camper list