features of the month
fun & games
birthday party plans & games
happy camper dance camp resources
preschool dance plans & games
elementary dance plans & games
older dance plans & games
tap dance games & teacher tools
Resources By Theme
tap dance central
free resources
about me
the happy camper list
Happy Campers - Themed Dance Camp Games & Activities
Mermaid, Under The Sea, or Beach Theme
Mermaid, Under The Sea, or Beach Theme
Beach Bundle -- Complete Set of Ocean & Mermaid Theme Dance Games & Resources
Shadow Dancers - dance camp activity for any theme for elementary age
Fun In The Sun Dance Camp Scavenger Hunt for Beach & Ocean theme
Build A Show Camp Choreography Project - Beach Theme, for elementary age & up
Under The Sea Dance Skill Obstacle Course - for preschool & elementary age dancers
The Mermaid's Collection -- Collaborative Dance Game for elementary age & up
Under The Sea Warm-Up Game for preschool & early elementary age
Flip or Float - a beachy tap skill game, with a twist!
Mermaid Wishes Best Birthday Ever Planner Pack
Ocean Adventure Dance Scavenger Hunt Camp Activtity - for preschool & elementary age
features of the month
fun & games
birthday party plans & games
happy camper dance camp resources
preschool dance plans & games
elementary dance plans & games
older dance plans & games
tap dance games & teacher tools
Resources By Theme
tap dance central
free resources
about me
the happy camper list