I love Halloween week in dance class for many reasons --- it provides a chance to create happy memories, it ignites imagination and creativity, and it reminds our students how dance can be both hard work and fun. But, I have found that if I don't have a concrete plan for the fun, the hyped-up energy can get out of hand! This morning, I was taking some time to think through my classes for the week and planning which Halloween resources I am going to use for each class. Then this occurred to me ------ why not share my exact plans with you?! Here are the ways that I utilize the Dance Dance Hooray resources for each class and age group! Parent-Tot and Creative Movement I will follow the visual aids, follow-along songs, and Halloween themed exercises in my First Steps Framework Halloween Theme lesson plan. Preschool Ballet, Tap, & Jazz Classes I will be using my Hooray for Dance Notebook for ballet & jazz, the Halloween Theme. These are lesson plans with approximately 4-5 exercises and combos in each style. For tap, I will follow my Shake, Rattle, & Roll Skeleton Tap lesson plan for ages 3-5 and play the Boo! Rhythm Game using rhythm sticks. Kindergarten & First Grade Tap Classes I will continue my Shake, Rattle, & Roll Skeleton Tap lesson plan for ages 5-7, and add on to the mini tap combo we began to the Monster Mash song. Kindergarten & First Grade Jazz Classes Last week, I used the Halloween Super Stations cards for stretch & strength warm-up before we worked on our regular jazz class skills This week, I will use the Halloween Spooky Steps game to review our jazz skills in a Halloween-y way, and then we will put the 4 mini combos from Halloween Super Stations together to make a Halloween dance to a song that they choose! 2nd-3rd Grade Jazz Classes First, I will review the jazz steps that they have been working in our first 6 weeks of jazz class. Then, I will review and add-on to our combo to the song Calling All The Monsters and take a video to share with their parents. Last, I will use the Halloween Spooky Steps character and traveling step cards, to go across the floor. 2nd-3rd Grade Tap Classes I will do the first exercise from the Shake, Rattle, & Roll Skeleton tap lesson plan for ages 5-7, and then review all of our basic traveling and stationary steps. Then, we will play the Sticky Spiderweb Game - Tap Version and at the end of class, we will add on to our Purple People Eater tap combo. 4th-5th Grade Tap Classes I will do a follow-along rhythm circle warm-up, trying to hit on all of the skills we have been working on thus far this year. Then, we'll play my FAVORITE game -- Audio Haunted House! Then, we will work on our Addams Family tap combo. 4th-5th Grade Jazz Classes Since I love to encourage this age group to step outside of their comfort zone and to help develop their creativity, we will use the last half of the class to allow them to create some Halloween choreography. I will use the Witches' Dance Potion game as a way to help give them ideas on how to use the steps they know. But first -- we will do a collaborative warm-up with the Dance Trick Or Treat game! Middle School Tap Classes This age group has generally done the Audio Haunted House in previous years...and they always ask to do it again! We will spend about 10-15 min on learning about some tap history, and then I will ask them to create their own tap choreography, using the Clickity-Clackity Candy Corn game as a guide. Middle School Jazz Classes & High School Tap Classes We will continue with our normal class material, but first we'll use the Dance Trick Or Treat Game to warm-up. Then, I will ask them to create choreography using the Halloween Set The Scene game, which works with any style of dance. For the jazz classes, if we have time we will also explore movement initiation using the Do The Skeleton Dance! Happy Halloween! Want a free tap class activity? Click below!Visit my shop for more dance resources that support a creative, positive, and imaginative dance classroom. Keep in touch by signing up for my weekly tap newsletter, and join me on Facebook at dance dance HOORAY or follow me on Instagram @dancedancehooray!
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